NCCC Fall 2022 Bumping Lake Articles
The Water Report. “New Water Supplies WA” [Scrutiny of OCR by Power Consultin] P.30 February 15, 2017.
ALPS. Testimony on Office of Columbia River, HB 1075, House Capital Budget Committee. January 13, 2017.
Sierra Club. Testimony on Office of Columbia River, HB 1075, House Capital Budget Committee. January 13, 2017.
Thomas Michael Power, Donovan S. Power. Department of Ecology / Office of Columbia River: The Last Ten Years. Power Consulting Inc. December 3, 2016
INDIVISIBLE: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda: best practices for making Congress Listen. Angel Padilla et al. December 20, 2016.
Bill Campbell. Comments on Dept of Ecology website errors on Lake Kachess property valuation study. Yakima Work Group meeting, December 14, 2016.
Yakima Coalition. Photos of Lake Kachess, Bumping Lake.
Yakima Citizens Coalition. Letter to House-Senate Conferees, U.S. Congress, on S. 2012, the Energy Policy Modernization Act. November 29, 2016.
Yakima Citizens Coalition opposes Congress acting on Yakima Plan. News Release. November 29, 2016.
Washington’s Big Dam Climate Nightmare. Brett Cihon, Seattle Weekly. October 5, 2016.
Ken Hammond. Water conflicts: Seeking solutions in the Yakima Basin. October 1, 2016.
John Osborn. Time to sunset State Dam-Building Agency. $200 million spent in 10 years, no accountability. The Crest, Fall 2016.
WUM. Letter to Washington Congressional Delegation objecting to support for S 1694. October 18, 2016.
National prize honors report on Yakima water projects. Washington State University. August 15, 2016.
AAEA 2016 Award for Applied Policy Analysis goes to State of Washington Water Research Center Team for their report Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan Projects. August 1, 2016.
Washington U.S. House members. Letter supporting Yakima Plan language in energy legislation. July 7, 2016.
Miles McPhee. Warming Water and Fish. LTE, Yakima Herald. February 16, 2016.
Karl Forsgaard. Dam projects begin Environmental Scoping. Alpine, Newsletter of the Alpine Lakes Protection Society (ALPS), 2016 Issue No. 1.
Kenneth Hammond. Water Future: improve demand management. LTE submission, Yakima Herald. 2/2016
Critics of Yakima Basin’s water-supply plan say officials don’t listen. Kate Prengaman, Yakima Herald, reprinted in Seattle Times, December 28, 2015.
Sierra Club. Statement to the Yakima Workgroup. December 16, 2015.
S. 1694 amendments applied to Public Law 103-434. November 30, 2015.
S. 1694 as amended and approved by the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee. November 19, 2015
Sen. Cantwell: assessment of S. 1694. November 2015.
Public Law 103-434 (“Phase II” YRBWEP – Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement
Project (1994)
Jonathan Yoder, State of Washington Water Research Center.
Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Yakima River Basin Integrated Plan Projects. House Task
Force on Washington Waters. November 19, 2015
Economic fundamentals for water markets. November 19, 2015
News Release. Controversy continues over Yakima Water Plan as bill moves through Senate Committee. November 19, 2015.
Kachess Community Assoc et al (19 organizations). Letter to Sen. Cantwell regarding S. 1694 Yakima Plan suggested changes. November 18, 2015.
S. 1694 Draft. November 3, 2015.
S. 1694 Draft, Showing revisions of 1994 PL103-484. November 4, 2015.
Sierra Club. Testimony opposing SB 5628 before the House Washington Waters Task Force. October 5, 2015.
Friends of Bumping Lake. Testimony opposing SB 5628. October 5, 2015.
Sierra Club. S. 1694: Summary of Concerns. September 14, 2015
Meeting with Sen. Cantwell. Thank you letter from 19 organizations summarizing concerns and opposition to S. 1694. September 11, 2015.
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Letter describing Conservation and other accomplishments under YRBWEP. September 4, 2015
Note: The 1994 law called for (within 8 years of enactment) 165,000 acre feet of annual water conservation. In this letter, BuRec reports that after 22 years it had accomplished a total of 53,000 acre-feet of water conservation (40,000 acre-feet for instream flows, and 13,000 acre-feet for irrigation use) or less than 1/3 of the YRBWEP water conservation target. The Bureau explains that water conservation targets are only “voluntary.” Conservation grant monies remain available and unspent (after FY 2017 still $209 million available to be spent into the future).
News Release. Senator Cantwell meets with Conservationists, Homeowners on controversial federal water legislation for Yakima Basin. August 21, 2015.
Meeting with Sen. Cantwell. PowerPoint presentation by conservation and homeowner groups concerned with S. 1694 and the 2012 Yakima Plan. Ellensburg, WA. August 18, 2015.
Meeting with Sen. Cantwell. Reference documents supporting concerns, opposition to S. 1694 and the 2012 Yakima Plan. Ellensburg, WA. August 18, 2015.
Meeting with Sen. Cantwell, document. Kachess Reservoir Pool Elevations Under Alternative 2A. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and Washington Dept of Ecology.
Meeting with Sen. Cantwell, document. Lake Kachess Pool Level: YBIP Impact. JJS analysis based on BoR, Yakima Work Group, and US Dept of Agriculture data.
Ari Cetron. The Debate over a Pretty Lake on Snoqualmie Pass. Who’s Right? Seattle Magazine. July 2015.
Annette Cary. Kennewick irrigators express concern about Yakima Basin water plan. Tri-City Herald. July 8, 2015
Courtney Flatt. A Central Washington Water Project gets Senate Hearing. Northwest Public Radio. July 7, 2015.
Testimony on S. 1694, including hearing held by Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Oral Testimony:
S. 1694 hearing webcast (opposition witnesses were not allowed to testify)
Written Testimony: (Derek Sandison)
Opposing/Seeking Changes S. 1694
Alpine Lakes Protection Society, North Cascades Conservation Council, El Sendero
Backcountry Ski & Snowshoe Club
Miles McPhee PhD and Saundra McPhee
Sierra Club, Washington State Chapter
Supporting S. 1694
American Rivers (Michael Garrity)
Kittitas Reclamation District (Urban Eberhart)
U.S. Dept of Interior (Tom Iseman)
Yakama Nation (Phil Rigdon)
Washington State Dept of Agriculture (Derek Sandison)
James Schwartz. An Economic Review of the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan. July 6, 2015
Sierra Club. News Release: Yakima Water Future: Sierra Club seeks changes in controversial bill. July 6, 2015
Hal Bernton. Cantwell seeks to advance Yakima River basin water plan. Seattle Times. July 1, 2015
James Schwartz. Key Points: An Economic Review of the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan. June 29, 2015
U.S. Senate Bill 1694 to authorize Phase III of the Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project . See also link to Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee.
Rep. Hans Dunshee. Opinion: Farmers need water and taxpayers need accountability. Seattle Times. June 9, 2015.
Selected comment letters on Lake Kachess drawdown and K-K pipeline draft environmental impact statements (DEIS). The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and Office of Columbia River (Dept of Ecology) held two public comment periods.
Kachess Community Association. KDRPP and KKC DEIS public comment letter #2. June 15, 2015.
Friends of Lake Kachess. KDRPP and KKC DEIS, comment letter, Set #1. June 12, 2015.
Friends of Lake Kachess. KDRPP and KKC DEIS, comment letter, Set #2. June 12, 2015.
Washington State Dept of Transportation. KDRPP and KKC DEIS, comment letter. March 10, 2015.
Sierra Club. KDRPP and KKC DEIS, comment letter. March 10, 2015.
Wise Use Movement. KDRPP and KKC DEIS, comment letter. March 6, 2015.
Kachess Community Association. KDRPP and KKC DEIS, comment letter #1. February 28, 2015.
Jonathan Yoder, Washington State Water Research Center. Yakima Basin Integrated Plan Benefit-Cost Analysis: An appeal for evidence-based discourse about the State of Washington Water Research Center Study of the Yakima Basin Plan. The Water Report, May 2015.
See also: Full exchange with Steve Malloch and Michael Garrity, with a pair of responses.
Sierra Club. Letter to Sen. Murray raising concerns about federal funding for the Yakima Plan. April 27, 2015.
Sierra Club. Comment on Kachess Pumping Plant and Keechelus-to-Kachess Conveyance DEIS. March 10, 2015.
Friends of Bumping Lake + 15 other organizations. Letter on protecting Ancient Forests of Bumping Lake. February 15, 2015.
Sierra Club. S-0544.4 Funding water supply project, other infrastructure: Testimony in opposition. January 26, 2015.
North Cascades Conservation Council, ALPS. Testimony opposing S-0544.4/15 to fund water supply projects, other infrastructure. January 26, 2015
Jonathan Yoder, State of Washington Water Research Center. Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Yakima River Basin Integrated Plan Projects. Senate Ways and Means Committee Hearing. January 15, 2015.
John Osborn and Ken Hammond. Opinion: Public can’t afford to subsidize new water projects. January 4, 2015.
State of Washington Water Research Center. Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan Projects. December 2014
$1.85 Billion = Ancient Forest to be flooded at Bumping Lake. BCA, Yakima Plan.
Sierra Club Washington State Chapter. Comment letter: Cle Elum Pool Raise Project DEIS. November 25, 2014
Wise Use Movement. Comment Letter: Cle Elum Pool Raise Project DEIS. November 20, 2014.
Washington Environmental Council. Letter to Office of Columbia River on the Yakima River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Plan. June 23, 2014.
Sierra Club Washington State Chapter. Letter to Sen. Patty Murray in support of fish passage funding. May 26, 2014.
Greg Bohn. Yakima River Basin Integrated Water Resource Management Plan: More Welfare for Agribusiness. Appearing in Calliope Crier, Yakima Valley Audubon Society Newsletter, p. 3. February 2014.
ALPS et al (10 Conservation Groups). Letter to OMB requesting the Obama Administration not include funding for the Bureau of Reclamation’s controversial Yakima “Integrated” Plan. January 22, 2014.
ALPS et al (10 Conservation Groups). Letter to Interior Secretary requesting the Obama Administration not include funding for the Bureau of Reclamation’s controversial Yakima “Integrated” Plan. January 22, 2014.
ALPS et al (10 Conservation Groups). Letter to CEQ requesting a review of the Bureau of Reclamation’s NEPA process in preparing the EIS for the controversial Yakima “Integrated” Plan. January 22, 2014.
Estella Leopold, Brock Evans. The Yakima Plan is a taxpayer subsidy for irrigators. Seattle Times. December 2, 2013
The Wild Cascades Summer/Fall 2013
State funds Yakima Plan “early action items.” Karl Forsgaard.
State purchase of Teanaway lands raises disturbing questions. Rick McGuire.
Editorial: New dams aren’t the way to address water needs. Chris Maykut, Brock Evans and Estella Leopold.
Karl Forsgaard. Yakima Plan: Not yet shovel-ready. The Wild Cascades. Spring, 2013.
Sierra Club, Olympic Forest Coalition, and North Cascades Conservation Council. Testimony before the House Budget Committee. April 10, 2013.
Sierra Club, Olympic Forest Coalition, and North Cascades Conservation Council. Testimony before the Senate Ways and Means Committee. April 10, 2013.
Norman Whittlesey and Walter Butcher. Economics: Letter to Legislators on the Yakima River Basin Integrated Water Resource Management Plan. April 4, 2013.
Norman Whittlesey and Walter Butcher. Economics: Comments on the Yakima River Basin Integrated Water Resource Management Plan. April 4, 2013.
Karl Forsgaard. Yakima Plan blunders on. The Wild Cascades. Winter, 2013.
Seattle Audubon Society. Request that Yakima Workgroup answer questions previously asked. March 13, 2013.
Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs. Testimony before the House Capital Budget Committee opposing HB 1414. February 22, 2013.
North Cascades Conservation Council. Testimony before the House Capital Budget Committee opposing HB 1414. February 22, 2013.
Friends of Bumping Lake. Testimony before the House Capital Budget Committee opposing HB 1414. February 22, 2013.
ALPS, Sierra Club. Testimony before the House Capital Budget Committee opposing HB 1414. February 22, 2013.
Olympic Forest Coalition. Testimony before the House Capital Budget Committee opposing HB 1414. February 22, 2013.
North Cascades Conservation Council. Testimony before the Senate Committee on Ways and Means opposing SSB 5367. February 21, 2013.
ALPS, Sierra Club. Testimony before the Senate Committee on Ways and Means opposing SSB 5367. February 21, 2013.
The Water Report. Yakima Water Plan: the other side of the story. February 15, 2013
(click to view report’s cover)
Susan Cyr (Bumping Lake cabin owner). Testimony against SB 5367: Yakima Basin Integrated Plan. February 7, 2013.
Friends of Bumping Lake. Testimony against SB 5367: Yakima Basin Integrated Plan. Washington Legislature. February 7, 2013.
NCCC and Sierra Club. Testimony against SB 5367, before the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Water and rural Economic Development – Washington Legislature. February 7, 2013.
Wise Use Movement. Testimony opposing SB 5367, Senate Agriculture, Water and Rural Economic Development Committee. February 7, 2013.
Sierra Club. HB 1196 testimony before the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, Washington Legislature. January 22, 2013.
Henderson, Ed. Testimony on HB 1196, House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. January 22, 2013.
Friends of Bumping Lake. Testimony on HB 1196, House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, Washington Legislature. January 22, 2013.
Wise Use Movement. Written testimony opposing HB 1196, House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, Washington Legislature. January 22, 2013.
Sierra Club. Testimony on HB 1188 and HB 1189, House Capital Budget Committee. January 21, 2013.
Friends of Bumping Lake. Testimony, Capital Budget Committee. January 21, 2013.
Karl Forsgaard. “A sense of betrayal” in the Yakima Plan. The Wild Cascades. The North Cascades Conservation Council. Summer/Fall 2012, pp. 10-12.
Rosemarie Calvert. The Urgent Need to Transform U.S. Water Resources Infrastructure. An interview with Steve Stockton, Director of Civil Works, ACOE. Issue No. 23, 2012.
National Research Council. Corps of Engineers Water Resources Infrastructure: Deterioration, Investment, or Divestment? October 2012. (view NRC news release)
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Four Accounts Analysis of the Yakima Integrated Water Plan. October 2012.
Chris Maykut, Friends of Bumping Lake. Five Generations at Our Cabin at Bumping Lake. Outdoors West, Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs. Vol 35, No. 1. Fall, 2012.
ALPS et al (17 groups) Letter to TWS/NWF/TU/American Rivers: Yakima Plan – Lands Component – your letter dated August 10, 2012; Proposed National Recreation Areas – our letter dated March 11, 2012. August 23, 2012.
Green Scissors Report 2012. June 26, 2012
Rick McGuire. Bumping Lake Update. The Wild Cascades, Spring issue 2012, pp 11-12.
Ed Henderson. The Bumping Lake Horror Show. The Wild Cascades, Spring issue 2012, p. 12.
Ed Henderson. Wishful thinking will destroy the Bumping Lake old-growth forest. The Wild Cascades, Spring issue 2012, pp 13-14.
Karl Forsgaard. National Recreation Area (NRA) Proposal attracts criticism. The Wild Cascades, Spring issue 2012, p. 15.
Flyer opposing National Recreation Area Proposal. April 12, 2012.
Rick McGuire. A walk around Bumping Lake. The Wild Cascades, pp 10-13.
Rick McGuire. The Bumping Lake tradeaway. The Wild Cascades, pp 14-15.
Alpine Lakes Protection Society et al. Conservationists’ comments on the Yakima “Integrated Plan” FPEIS. March 30, 2012.
USFS. OWNF Fact Sheet on the Yakima Water Plan. March, 2012.
Sierra Club. Supplemental comments on the Yakima “Integrated Plan” FPEIS. March 28, 2012.
Estella Leopold: Yakima Water Plan: A $5 Billion Controversy – the good, bad, and ugly. March 14, 2012.
Washington Wild, The Mountaineers, American Whitewater. Letter to Michael Garrity, Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project Work Group. March 13, 2012.
Alpine Lakes Protection Society et al. 26 organizations’ letter to Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project Workgroup Opposing NRAs as proposed in the “Watershed Land Conservation Subcommittee Proposal” March 11, 2012. See also related documents:
The Wilderness Society Annual Report: Taneum Windy Pass ORV ditch, 2007-2008
Scientists letter to U.S. Forest Service regarding off-road vehicle use. March 31, 2004
U.S. House of Representatives, Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power. Water Storage Vital to Rural Communities, Job Creation, Economic Growth. (press release) February 7, 2012.
“A recent BOR study found nearly one hundred potential sites for new surface storage, yet due to environmental regulations and other factors it has been over a generation since BOR built multiple large scale water storage facilities.”
Chris Edwards and Peter J. Hill (CATO Institute). Cutting the Bureau of Reclamation and Reforming Water Markets. February 2012.
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Testimony on history of Bureau storage projects. February 7, 2012
Statement of Michael Gabaldon, Director of Technical Resources Bureau of Reclamation Denver Technical Center U.S. Department of the Interior before the Water and Power Subcommittee Committee on Natural Resources U.S. House of Representatives “Water for Our Future and Job Creation: Examining Regulatory and Bureaucratic Barriers to New Surface Storage Infrastructure”
Seattle Audubon Society. Comments on the Letter on Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Yakima River Basin Integrated Water Resource Management Plan. January 3, 2012.
Alpine Lakes Protection Society et al. Letter on Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Yakima River Basin Integrated Water Resource Management Plan. January 1, 2012.
Conservationists. Letter to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation requesting an extension for the public comment period for the DEIS. November 23, 2011.
Conservationists’ letter to Congress opposing two new dams in the Yakima watershed. October 24, 2011
Yakima Basin Joint Board, Letter opposing YBSA’s Columbia River pump storage concept, “CRESP”, July 7, 2011
Photos – Bumping Ancient Forests, September 10, 2011
Alpine Lakes Protection Society et al. Letter on PEIS scoping notice for the “Integrated Water Resource Management Plan, Yakima River Basin Water the Federal Register Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Enhancement Project, Benton, Kittitas, Klickitat, and Yakima Counties, Washington”. June 7, 2011
Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society. Letter on PEIS scoping notice for the “Integrated Water Resource Management Plan, Yakima River Basin Water the Federal Register Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Enhancement Project, Benton, Kittitas, Klickitat, and Yakima Counties, Washington”. May 19, 2011
Endangered Species Coalition et al. Letter raising concerns with scoping substance, process, and timing. April 22, 2011
Marc Bardsley. Flooding Threatens Ancient Forest at Bumping Lake. The Wild Cascades
Journal of the North Cascades Conservation Council. Winter 2011
Sierra Club. Statement of the Sierra Club on the Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project 2011 Work Group – Draft Integrated Package. March 9, 2011
Karls Forsgaard, Protecting the Teanaway. Washington Forest Law Center. January 1, 2011.
Sierra Club. Comments on the “Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project (YRBWEP) Workgroup Agreement to Support Final Integrated Water Resource Management Plan and Related Future Activities”. December 2010
Brock Evans. Letter to Yakima Basin Work Group Meeting. September 20, 2010
Brock Evans. Bumping Lake ancient forest – One of a Kind.
The Wild Cascades
Journal of the North Cascades Conservation Council.
Summer/Fall 2010.
Sierra Club. Statement of the Sierra Club to the Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project Work Group. July 28, 2010
American Society of Civil Engineers. Dams Report Card 2009: Grade D. America’s Infrastructure. 2009.
Seattle Audubon Society. Letter of opposition to an expanded Bumping Lake reservoir as part of an “Integrated Package.” November 20, 2009
U.S. Forest Service. Letter to WA Dept of Ecology expressing concerns regarding Bumping Lake Dam expansion, and environmental consequences. November 20, 2009
Sierra Club. Statement of the Sierra Club on the Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project 2009 Work Group – Discussion Draft Integrated Package. November 9, 2009
Yakima Audubon Society. Resolution opposing expansion of Bumping Lake Reservoir. September 8, 2009.
Sierra Club. Statement of the Sierra Club on the Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project 2009 Work Group. July 15, 2009
Vano, Julie et al. Climate Change Impacts on Water Management and Irrigated Agriculture in the Yakima River Basin, Washington, USA. 2009
Map, Bumping Lake proposed new dam. U.S. BuRec: Yakima River Basin Water Storage Feasibility Study. December 2008.
Map, Wymer proposed new dam. U.S. BuRec: Yakima River Basin Water Storage Feasibility Study. December 2008.
Water Conservation opportunities. U.S. BuRec: Yakima River Basin Water Storage Feasibility Study. December 2008.
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Bumping Lake Dam – Yakima River Basin Water Storage Feasibility Study. December 2008.
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Wymer Dam site wildlife values – Yakima River Basin Water Storage Feasibility Study FEIS, Volume 1. December 2008; and Yakima River Basin Study, Volume 1, April 2011.
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Yakima River Basin Water Storage Feasibility Study FEIS, Volume 1. December 2008.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Comment on DEIS – Yakima River Basin Water Storage Feasibility Study. April 14, 2008.
CELP et al. DEIS comment: Yakima Storage Study, Draft Planning Report/EIS. March 31, 2008.
Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society. DEIS comment: Yakima Storage Study, Draft Planning Report/EIS. March 28, 2008
Harold Magistrale, PhD, JD. Review of the Black Rock and Wymer Dam Sites Geology as presented in the Draft Planning Report/EIS – Yakima River Basin Water Storage Feasibility Study. March 2008.
Sierra Club and Center for Environmental Law & Policy. Flyer for meeting to discuss Yakima basin water issues. May 17, 2007.
American Rivers et al. Letter to Gov. Gregoire: mounting concerns about pursuing Black Rock dam, failure to assess cost-effective options for water supply and crop values. May 13, 2005
American Rivers et al. Letter to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation: concerns about Black Rock Dam, support of implementing Phase II YRBWEP. April 18, 2003
WSU. Public Perceptions of Endangered Species Protection. January, 2003.
American Rivers. Yakima Watershed Initiative: Balancing Fisheries and Irrigated Agriculture. November 1, 2002.
CELP. Washington’s Wasted Water: How our lax water efficiency laws waste millions of gallons and millions of dollars. August, 2002.
McCullough, Dale CRITFC and Shelley Spalding USFWS. Multiple Lines of Evidence for Determining Upper Optimal Temperature Thresholds for Bull Trout. June 27, 2002.
Katherine Ransel, American Rivers. Water Storage versus Water Conservation in the Yakima Basin. 2001.
Yakima River Basin Conservation Advisory Group (CAG). Publications to provide conservation guidance to agencies and others:
– Basin Conservation Plan for the Yakima River Basin Water Conservation Program, April 1998;
– Appendix to the Basin Conservation Plan for the Yakima River Basin Water Conservation Program, April 1998;
– Water & Land Acquisition Program of the Yakima River Basin Water Conservation Program, October 15, 1998;
– Establishment of a Permanent Plan for Measuring & Reporting, Yakima River Basin Washington Report to Secretary of the Interior and State of Washington, November 16, 1998;
– Plan of Study for the Yakima River Basin Wetlands, Riparian, and Floodplain Habitat Plan, December 1998;
– Process for Streamlining Water Transfers in the Yakima Basin, 2001 – 2004;
U.S. quietly reconsiders water issue. Carrie Schafer, Tri-Cities Herald. March 28, 1995.
John Dingell. Foreward. The Endangered Species Act: A Guide to Its Protections and Implementation. Daniel Rohlf, Stanford Environmental Law Society. April, 1989.
David Campbell, NWF. Letter on Yakima Repayment. December 15, 1987.
David Ortman. Yakima Basin Needs Watershed Planning. Washington Wilderness Coalition (now Washington Wild). August/September 1986. pp 8-9
Washington Wilderness Coalition. August /September 1986
Battle Started Over Wenatchee Plan. p. 2
Chainsaws and Dirtbikes for the Wenatchee pp 3-6
Doug North. Wenatchee Recommends Some Rivers; Overlooks Others. p. 7
David Ortman. ‘Dams for Fish’ proposal still afloat. Washington Wilderness Coalition. June-July 1982.
Barbara Tuerkheimer. Veto by Neglect: The Federal Advisory Committee Act. The American University Law Review. Vol. 25:53. 1975.